This form is not intended to report anything that is an emergency. Instead you are urged to call 911 immediately. This form is being provided to allow persons the convenience to report situations from the privacy of their own home, with the option of whether or not they wish to be identified by the Sheriff’s Department. We will attempt to substantiate and investigate all information provided. If substantiated, your information may prove valuable in building a prosecutable criminal case. In the event we are not able to substantiate your information, we will still file it as criminal intelligence in the event it becomes useful at a later date. Thank you for your assistance in these matters.
Reporting Person's Information: (Optional)
Location of Suspected Criminal Activity
Suspect #1 Information (Please provide all known information)
Vehicle Information
Suspect #2 Information (Please provide all known information)
Vehicle Information
Suspect #3 Information (Please provide all known information)
Vehicle Information